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Edible Oils

Sunflower Oil

  • Sunflower oil has the lightest flavor and looks of any vegetable oil and has the highest content of Vitamin E.
  •  It’s fat combined with a lot of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat and very little saturated fat. 
  • As a result, cooks all around the world enjoy the flexibility of this nutritious oil. Sunflower oil is popular due to its mild flavor, excellent frying properties, and health advantages.


The items are shipped directly from the manufacturing site to various destinations worldwide. 

We represent trustworthy manufacturers, allowing us to be competitive while ensuring continuous supply and quality. We may also supply packaging that is adapted to your specific requirements.

Quality control activities are planned and developed in all stages, from harvest to delivery

Canola Oil

The rapeseed plant is known for its golden-yellow flowers that bloom in the summer. Its oil, which goes by rapeseed and canola, is widely used in cooking, baking, and food processing.

  • Rapeseed or Canola oil contains less saturated fat than other commonly used cooking oils and is used as a traditional cooking oil in the Indian subcontinent. 
  • Because of its strong odor, it is commonly used as a frying oil. Rapeseed oil is also high in vitamin E. 
  • Rapeseed oil contains regenerative properties that make it an excellent moisturizer and anti-aging agent.
  • Rapeseed oil offers remarkable nutritional advantages due to its large amounts of alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3), which is too rare in today’s diets. It’s become a dinner table standard.

Soybean Oil

It is one of the most often used cooking oils since it is stable and long-lasting. It’s also cheap and commonly available.

Soy oil is mostly used in baking and cooking. It’s also good as a salad dressing.

  • The omega-3 fatty acids in soybean oil help the cardiovascular system by scraping off bad cholesterol.
  • In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, linoleic acid (omega-6 fatty acids) is vital for brain function, growth, and development, stimulating skin and hair growth, keeping bone health, managing metabolism, and supporting the reproductive system.
  • Soybean oil is strong in vitamin K, which helps to relieve Alzheimer’s symptoms and may even reverse the illness.

Olive Oil

  • Recent scientific research has connected olive oil to preventing and treating cardiovascular disease, digestive issues, diabetes, and cellular oxidation.
  • The main component of olive oil, oleic acid, improves HDL levels by carrying bad cholesterol deposited in arteries to the liver, where it is removed, decreasing the risk of arterial thrombosis and heart attacks.

Consuming olive oil between childhood and old age is incredibly healthy.

We provide various varieties of organic olive oil, including extra virgin, virgin, refined, and pure organic olive oil.

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