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It's the yin to oil's yang

Vinegar’s typical uses are culinary flavoring and the preservation, or pickling, of meat, fish, fruit, and vegetables. 

When combined with oil and spices, it forms a traditional cold sauce known as vinaigrette, which is used as a dressing on vegetable salads.

Vinegar is produced by introducing bacteria and yeast into the liquid of crushed and strained apples to initiate a fermentation process. 

The combination is then sweetened with sugar, which turns the liquid alcoholic. Finally, this alcoholic liquid is fermented again and transformed into vinegar.

  • Vinegar is also an excellent pan-deglazing agent, adding a depth of acidic savoriness as it decreases. 
  • It aids digestion and is high in antioxidants and minerals, which promote clear, healthy skin.
  • The original sugar required to start the fermentation process provides all of the taste. 
  • Sugars from grapes, rice, and apples are frequent sources of complex, flavorful vinegar.


Mall of Taste specializes in preserved foods and culinary products. Our ingredients are directly sourced from farms and then processed in a safe environment with all the best practices.

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